Monday 15 February 2016

Chandrabhaga Beach, Konark

Chandrabhaga Beach is situated three km east of the Sun temple of Konark, in the Puri district in the state of Odisha India. It is 30 km from the city of Puri. Formerly Chandrabhaga was considered a place of natural cure for lepers.

The Chandrabhaga beach in Odisha is one of its biggest asset both from the aspect of the tourism industry and the history of the place. The beaches of Odisha play a dominant role in their history and Geography and the Chandrabhaga beach in Odisha is intrinsically linked to the past of the region. But the biggest claim to fame of the Chandrabhaga beach is the Konarak Temple or the Sun Temple.

According to yet another mythological reference, Chandrabhaga, the daughter of a sage, caught the attraction of the Sun God by her magical charm. The God came down to seek her hand in love. Chandrabhaga did not offer herself to the God. Chandrabhaga jumped in to the river and killed herself. As a mark of tribute to her sacrifice, every year on the 7th day of the fullmoon fortnight of Magha month, lakhs of people from all over the state and outside gather to take a holy dip in the river that is reduced to a shallow pool, offer their prayers to the Sun God and enjoy the Sun rise.

The Chandrabhaga beach is considered to be one of the most attractive beach in Odisha and it is also an ideal place to enjoy the intricate creations of nature. The solitude and natural panorama that this beach offers is beyond description.

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